Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Meta Stuff

Well its been an interesting and inspirational journey so far, as I hope you can see from the below interviews and posts.

First of all I was surprised that I was speared with the usual suspects being Nespresso, Red Bull, Apple and the likes. Note sure why this is, maybe because  I talked to people close to marketing who shied away from the obvious. This of course means that not all brands might be known by everybody following this blog. Some of the brands are either very local (Freitag) quite special interest (Monocle) or still up and coming (Jimmy Fairly). With Adidas there is at least one biggie.

Reflecting on what I have discussed with people there are quiet some commonalities emerging. Although it is fair to say that the brands I have been given are quiet differentiated, the reasons why people love them are still quiet similar.

Lets start with one recurring topic: Heritage came back quiet often either linked to a brands long history (Adidas) or linked to some story about the founders (Freitag Adidas, Monocle). Heritage seems to be important as it instills credibility, substance and trust into the brand. If the heritage on top is locally relevant like in the Freitag case it gets even more powerful. In the Moleskine case, the not so clear past of the brand interestingly seems to add to the myth. Once properly researched this tends to vanish unfortunately (Moleskine is today owned by an investment company, the black books were surly not invented by them and the brand name is purely fictional taken out of a Chatwin novel). This is quiet disappointing to learn. A dream destroyed....

Another recurring topic was social responsibility / sustainability both mentioned with Jimmy Fairly and Freitag. I guess this addresses the ever more present consumer conscious. Once I went into deeper digging Moleskine is stating this as well regarding their paper sourcing and production.

Not surprisingly consumer co creation and customization is mentioned all over the place. This makes brands look cool however I am not sure how many of you out there actually own some NIKE IDs, mi adidas and so on. Looks more like a reassuring element and fancy positioning tool that actually something that is widely used.

And then of course its the product. Now as seen in the Moleskine and Adidas case at equal product quality level the image of the brand can make the difference (often talked about regarding iPhone/iPad as well), BUT the product at the heart of the offer has to deliver,  in terms of style and design but as well in terms of functionality.

Now one striking thing is the nearly complete absence of any comments about price. If the offer is right we are happy to pay nearly every price affordable to us. The ability to charge multiple for what from a rational point of view seems to be a comparable product makes the power of a WOW brand (why would you pay 5x more for a pair of  Gucci jeans if you can get something functionally comparable from H&M?!).

Now this shows what WOW brands do: They makes us dream, live an emotional experience and bring us benefits which are beyond the ordinary functional level. WOW brands offer an experience, both from an immediate and aspirational perspective: "Moleskine makes you think you are a bohemian artist, Monocle gives you the feeling you are an up to date intellectual who spends time improving the world instead of playing angry birds." (Thanks for those statements to a former boss of mine one could not have put it better). With Freitag you know that you have chosen a bag that will last a lifetime and makes you part of the "cool set" .

 In essence its is all about the mix. Its like a good meal, if you manage the get the ingredients right, put love, commitment and soul into it, serve it well made up in an appropriate environment, you'll make a hungry man (or woman) happy.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Felix: WOW brand: Monocle Magazine

Felix is a trained architect, in the meantime working in Marketing. He's based in Amsterdam.

While I am having a business discussion with Felix over the phone I mention to him that I am busy blogging these days for a training and he immediately jumps into the topic and wants to tell me about his favorite brand.

Felix: I love this Magazine called Monocle. Its a lifestyle magazine issued by Tyler Brule the guy who launched Wallpaper* at the time.

Manuel: Hm, a magazine as a WOW brand?

F: Yes very much so. I am very attached to it. Every month I am so much looking forward to receiving the latest issue I cant wait. That does not happen with any other mag I read. I discovered it some years ago in a newsagent. The ting immediatly jumped at me. As an Architect I have to say I loved the art direction of it, the design of the cover and a great mix of content.

M: Arn't those lifestyle magazine all the same?

F: Not this one: Its is a rounded package a well thought through product. From the selection of the paper its printed on, the wrapping it comes in when dispatched to your place. Then I like the publisher. He has a credible history. After being wounded in war he decided to to dedicate his time to the beautiful things in life. He has a very smart perspective on life, traveling, music, design and politics and the whole magazine is done through this perspective which makes it very special. The other day I was in Japan and Monocle made me discover the place where you can get the perfect Japanese Schnitzel. I love Schnitzel so that was such an experience.

M: What else do they do?

F: They are moving outside of classic publishing as well and have just launched a perfume in collaboration with Comme des Garcons another of my favorite brands, and the Monocle App iand their Direct Marketing is superb as well. I was invited to a leather goods event in Brussels the other day. Reading Monocle is like receiving a present every month!

M: Anything you don't like?

F: Well the music selection on their App is pretty bland and boring. And for the renewal of the subscription I have received the same present for 5 years now. Pretty disappointing. I returned them to Tyler but he did not seem to care.... 

Here is an example on Moncle's take on travel reports.

Saniha: WOW brand: Jimmy Fairly

Saniha is working in events and is living in the Lausanne area.

Saniha shows up well prepared with a list of brands I hardly know any of. We then have a chat about why that is and it quickly gets clear, that she is really looking for underground brands, which are cutting edge not well known to the mass crowds.

We then agree to talk about Jimmy Fairly a web based reading and sunglasses brand from France.


Manuel: So tell me about Jimmy Fairly.

Saniha: I love optical glasses. They are a favorite accessory of mine and I like to change them very regularly. This made me discover J.F. Its is a french glasses brand that sell all their models for 95 Euros online. This allows me to order regularly as the price is much more accessible than buying at an optician. They have fantastic styles, stuff you won't find elsewhere. On top the service is quick, they will ship in 2 days. There is an element of social responsibility as well. For every pair you buy they will donate a pair of glasses to the poor who cannot afford glasses. Something rarely seen in fashion.

M: What else do you like?

S: They go the extra mile: You can upload your picture and virtually try all the glasses on your face, which is important as you are not physically buying in store. You can as well send them your drawing of a pair of glasses which they will then produce for you.

M: So it's quiet interactive

S: Yeah those consumer created glassed get voted for by others and the winning styles will then make it into the regular collection.

M: How did you discover the brand?

S: I got aware of it through some underground fashion magazine. I
spend a lot of time looking for new stuff via blogs. There is no advertising for J.F. so far and hardly any classical marketing. Mostly they work with fashion designers through product placement for fashion shootings and fashion shows which makes it really credible from me.

Here is a short video on the concept (in French for those of you understanding the language of the grande nation).

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Veronique: WOW brand: Adidas

Veronique is working in Horeca, living in Lausanne

Manuel: Hi Vero, Tell me about WOW brands.

Veronique: A wow brand makes me feel good! I feel emotionally attached to it.

M: So which is your WOW brand then?

V: I like Adidas. The brand has been able to remain relevant over time and through its "Originals" label it keeps an underground feel to it. I prefer it a lot over it's main rival Nike or other brands such as Reebok.There is no soul in those brands.

M: Why is that?

V: Nike feels to like a huge marketing machine and is very accessible. Adidas however is cool. I guess on a product front the brands delivers equal quality, but Adidas is more edgy. Originals make the difference. I like the logo as well. It feels very European with a lot of culture to it. Again something Nike lacks. On top there is the story of it's founding brothers Adi and Rudolf Dassler. After splitting up Rudolf founded Puma by the way.

Adi Dassler

M: Tell me more about the Originals line.

V: I discovered it really through a visit to their Berlin concept store a few years ago. Situated in one of the hip areas in Berlin it really is different from your average sports apparel store. You can find products there that I have never seen elsewhere, retro collections going back into the history of Adidas. You can also custom design of a pair of sneakers there. Furthermore the Originals line reminds me a lot of the stuff I used to wear during my childhood. Most of the sneakers still exist or have been re-issued. So its really the heritage of the brand and the design of the products I'm into.
Adidas Originals store
Yo! Run DMC.
M: Thanks Vero
After having spoken to Vero I spent a bit of time on the web and found this Adidas Originals ad, that sums up the link between sports, culture, music, and heritage quiet well . I liiiike.!

André: WOW! brand: Moleskine

André is a Marketing Professional from the lake Geneva area.

Manuel: So Andre, tell me a bit about WOW brands.

André: Well, I did quite a bit of reflection since you asked me for the interview. I have to say, for me a WOW brand defines a segment. It is he the reference and sets the bar.

M: So which brand do you have in mind?

A: I brand I love is Moleskine. It has a fantastic product story referring to its heritage - a timeless legend. Apparently many artists have used it in the past, that what they tell you.  I have an emotional link to my book as it contains my personal notes.

M: Why do you think that a Moleskine book is better than any basic notebook or a piece of paper?

A: I like the way it is structured. There are lots of different shapes and forms (Travel books, pocket books, city guides etc).  It helps me to structure my thinking and my note taking. I like to think of it as good wine cellar, where the notes represent the wine and the book the cellar. It adds value to my notes, using it gives me a good feeling.

M: What else?

A: The way the book is made with its hard covers makes it quite sturdy. It endures the test of time and it makes you keep it once its full. It accompanies you and lets you return to your past notes. Is like a history book of your life. In this digital age where we have plenty of technical devices to take notes, pictures, video, sound etc, taking handwritten notes in a book is much better as it is here to stay. You can always go back. It gives you all the freedom of expression it’s the real sheet of white paper approach. 

M: How did you discover Moleskine?

A: Through family, my wife is using one for years and my brother who is an artist always carries a pocket size one with him and constantly takes notes in it. Initially I felt a bit distant from the brand as I did not consider myself as an artist so I though it was not for me. I then started to use one and I have to say I was immediately hooked. That is another aspect of a WOW brand. It creates loyalty - you do not want to change anymore once you are hooked I did not even consider alternative brands or products anymore even if they offered superior products. Apple is a lot like this as well. 

M: Where do you get your books from?

A: They are mostly sold through bookstores and in the past they were quiet hard to find which of course matches the brands image and positioning quiet well. In the meantime they have enlarged distribution. I have no clue who is behind Moleskine but there are clearly lot of efforts put behind the brand these days. It’s become quiet popular and lots of people are using it. 

M: Thanks André!

Again I went on a bit of a tour and  found quiet some amazing user generated content  showing how much those booklets mean to people. Here's an example:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Katja: WOW Brand: FREITAG

Katja is a working mom form Lausanne, Switzerland.


Manuel: So Katja tell me aout your WOW! brand?

Katja: One of my favorites is Freitag a Swiss brand famous for its recycled bag collections. It's a truly amazing brand as real start-up success story. It comes from here - Zurich actually - which makes me feel close to the brand. It was founded in the 90ies by the two Freitag brothers who started to produce those bags for themselves, Bike couriers,  friends and DJs. It largely spread through the scene and years later they are seen as some of the coolest bags in the world.

M: What makes it a WOW brand then?

K: You know I have plenty of brands I like but only a few stand the test of time. Freitag is real, not a fad as so many other brands and there is true substance.

M: So do you actually own one?

K: Yes I have the classic shopping bag. I like the cool design. Its super sturdy as all their bags are made from recycled led truck tarps, seat belts and airbags. So every piece is unique. I use it for grocery shopping so I do not have to carry the classic brown paper bags around.

M: I hear that you like the sustainability aspect of it.

K: Yes. Eco is big on my agenda. I hate those disposable shopping bags. My Freitag is timeless, super solid, waterproof and I can't image that it will ever break. And it gets better looking the more you use it.

M: But there are plenty of other bags with similar strengts out there.

K: Agree, but non of them are as cool as Freitag. Those guys have more to offer. You can create your own bag on line cutting the pieces directly from the Tarp and therefore making it even more special. Itis then called "F your fault". How cool is that?!!! On top all the bags are handmade in Switzerland.

Then there are loads of different styles. Travel bags, notebook bags, iPhone and iPad covers etc. Their man bag line is a classic as well. Taking a laugh at the 70ies man bags. Really funky but man needs to dare...

So in essence what I love about Freitag is the combination between style, sustainability, functionality and of course Swissness!

M: Thanks Katja!

Here a Freitag ad on one of their bags:

Losing my blogging virginity

Good afternoon brand savvy people out there! Here we go my first blog ever. Lets try to get started.

My Name is Manuel and this hopefully soon to develop into an amazing Brand blog reaching you out of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Here's the latest on my local weather in case you are interested.

So that done lets move to a word of introduction: You'll find here after a series of interviews with people about WOW brands. Brands they love, that inspire them and they support.

As most Swiss people are actually quiet camera shy I have decided to post transcripts of my interviews with the odd picture added here and there.
